Heart connection 

So much truth.  The soul knows where to find the light. It will always pull you to the right place. Listen to your heartbeat! Close your eyes! Who do you think of in that moment?  That my friends is geniuine eternal love of soul. It can be in the form of connection to a place, person, an entity. Spirit guiding you along this human journey, testing you in many ways. Keep the faith! Love will reunite you. 

Dedicated to my  one and only twin flame whose been in my thoughts recently. 

Love & deepest soul blessings 

Greek Lighthouse

I love lighthouses! I’ve always been drawn to them and never understood why. They feel like a safe haven. A place to return home. I’m always dreaming of a special lighthouse in Greece. I’m surrounded by the ocean and there is always someone with me. We have the most amazing conversations. This place is magical. I used to think these were visions of a past life or a premonition of the future. I finally realized your dreams and visions are intuitive guidance from your Angels, your Creator. We don’t know the mysteries of the other world. For me- I do believe in Angels, I believe in Spirit Guides, I believe in twin flames, I believe in divine miracles.  Im comfortable in my spiritual path to recognize we have many different paths to reach our destination. The goal is to make good use of our human experience for this is a short journey. The real journey continues on and in that eternal world there is no hate, chaos, unkindness, evil, bad deeds. All is well. With these thoughts I can close my eyes and think about my special light house and hope that I dream of visiting there  soon and who knows maybe one day I shall return there and be surrounded by all the light and love. I’m grateful for my safe place.

I wish

I wish I could show you when you are lonely and in darkness the astonishing light of your own being. 
Hafiz- Sufi saying 

In rememberence for those souls who are no longer a part of my life but whose light continues to shine deep within my heart.  I do not miss you because you are always with me. 

Super Moon

Largest super moon since 1948! Asking the Universe for some awesome divine energy to bring the world together and calm all the negativity.  Such a beautiful sight to be walking under the big and mighty Super Moon
God is Great!

Love & Love 

Big hearted America 

After seeing images posted on my Facebook wall- an image of  we will make America White again and another one saying brown people leave this country. I say no! This is our America! a beautiful country who fabric is woven with so many immigrant stories.  

Yes we can make a big hearted, loving and open America. We rise up one voice at a time! We don’t let the forces of darkness overshadow our bright light. We are here to raise the collective consciences of others to be a force of good. Positive change becomes with us. 

We have a choice how we lead our daily lives. 

We can create a more tolerant, loving, inclusive, kind, compassionate, generous, just and empathetic world. We don’t need politicians or celebrities or famous people to do that for us. We can start in our own communities and every single one of us can make a difference. Speak up! Have a voice! Do random acts of kindness. Talk to people who look different than you. Talk to people who are from a different background than yours. This can be economically different background or culturally different background or other aspects of diversity. Go out of your comfort zone. Be around others who you agree and disagree with. Listen to others’….. this should happen all the time and not as a reaction to a political event.

This quote above is my all time favorite Gandhi quote. We must be the change we want to see in the world. 

How will you rise to this challenge?
